Making an error in your code is one thing. But making an error that is so brilliantly, blatantly and egregiously stupid...well, that is something wholly and completely different.
Case in point. I have a GridView control on a page. I need to be able to edit that GridView control. However, to populate the GridView, I need a dataset which contains a " WHERE [COLUMN] IN (values)" where clause. The problem is, that the SqlDataSource really doesn't seem to support this very easily. I'm almost-but-not-quite certain it probably-might-possibly does, but I couldn't figure it out.
Because of that, I needed to bind the GridView to a DataSource programmatically. And that I did, right off the bat, right when the page loads, because, you know, I want the damn data right the hell away.
So what I neglected to do was put the data binding declarations in the good ol' trusty "if (!Page.IsPostBack)" statement. Which means that each and ever time the page loaded (i.e, when I clicked the "Edit" and "Update" links) the GridView was rebound to the original data. No fracking wonder my stuff wasn't working.
Why do you mention that your wife is disabled for?
It's part of my profile, not just for this particular blog.
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