06 May, 2011

SalesForce excitement with .NET

Been getting to work some with the SalesForce Apex API, grabbing and pushing data from and to the SalesForce data store. After a bit of a learning curve, it's turning out to not be fairly easy going. I do need to look a bit deeper into bulk uploads, as some of the stuff we'll be pushing is 30K plus recordsets, granted, that isn't a lot, but could be enough that using their bulk API might make sense.

Next project on deck is creating a Single-Sign-On into SalesForce. This is going to be a bit more daunting I think. All of the SalesForce samples and help deal with OpenSSO running on it's own server. We're going to go with the Windows Identity Foundation tools, using the SSO into SalesForce as a launching pad for a new login process for all of the apps across the board. Creating an SSO for everything will mean that all logins will hit the same page, utilize the same processes, no matter if they come to the app via a web browser, or an iPhone, or a Xoom tablet or whatever. Should be great fun and a terrific learning experience.

1 comment:

Bugs! said...

Do you have any documentation on how to configure salesforce.com as identity manager? I want to do a similar kind of integration where in the saml token from SF.com should be able to authenticate on our applications. Any clue on how this can be achieved?

I am using .NET 3.5 but not sure if I would be using WIF ADFS part, but for sure I can use the SAML part of WIF.

Do let me know. thanks in advance.